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What We Do

Hashtag Digital Media is at the cutting edge of producing interactive digital magazines for sporting events, businesses and organisations such as local councils.


Our publications allow customers to access the traditional printed magazine experience but with a host of added digital benefits which allow for:


• Improved user experience  • Bigger reach, 

• Increased revenue opportunities  • Major cost savings



A digital interactive programme is a fantastic tool to provide information about your club. Your supporter base can enjoy all the traditional elements of a matchday programme and with the increased revenue model allowing for the potential of free delivery - your reach can expand exponentially. The programme can also be used to highlight sponsor and hospitality opportunities to businesses and other organisations and it can prove to be a global marketing tool to expand your reach out of traditional catchment areas.



A digital interactive programme allows for all the traditional platforms of a print programme but with all the benefits which modern communication affords. Columns such as manager and chairman pages can be lifted with a video address direct to the user. 700 word match reports are a thing of the past, instead we can show video highlights of past games. As added user content we can also embed interactive quizzes, and allow advertisers to raise their promotion to another level with video and live links to products and launches.  



With no cumbersome print deadlines we can have your publication ready for supporters either on the matchday or a day or two ahead of the big game. Gone is the half hour read window prior to a match, now supporters can access all the big match information more than 24 hours ahead of the game, allowing for ticket sales opportunities and providing important pre-match details. 


Using the power of digital platforms such as social media feeds the matchday programme can be distributed both via powerful club channels but also socially by supporter-to-supporter sharing and posts. Groups and businesses highlighted in the programme will also promote their elements within it leading to an exponential increase in reach. 



We can introduce you to the dynamic world of digital publishing in a number of ways. Our team of writers and designers can work with your club or organisation and produce bespoke copy which we will design for you in your own unique publication. We will show you how you can maximise all the digital tools in our armoury and make your content truly stand out. We can also work with your own media and marketing teams to design your own content into a digital publication which is ready for you to promote across your own channels. Either way as the experts in digital publications, we will help you to increase profit, increase reach and vastly reduce cost.

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